متصفح MozillaFirefox بسيط واكثر من رائع وغني عن التعريف ، منافس قوي لمتصفح انترنت اكسبلورر و يتميز بسرعة خياليه في التصفح للانترنت و يحتوي على مميزات مثل تنظيم الصفحات على شكل تابز في اعلى الصفحة وايضا دعم ميزة الأخبار الفورية RSS يحتوي فايرفوكس على مزايا كثيرة منها ميزة مانع النوافذ المنبثقة ومميزات اخري
Mozilla Firefox is a fast, secure and easy to use web browser that offers many advantages over other web browsers, such as the tabbed browsing and the ability to block pop-up windows. It lets you to view Web pages way faster, using less of your computer’s memory. Take Firefox with you wherever you go. Synchronize your browsing across multiple devices. Forget clunky URLs – find the sites you love in seconds. Firefox 30 has the most ways to customize your online experience specifically for the way you use the web. It is built with you in mind, so it’s easy and instinctive to use even the first time you try it. Thousands of Add-ons (little extras that augment Firefox to meet your unique needs) just waiting out there to help you do more, have more fun and be more creative online.
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